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0 to PAC

Adrian Calvert

Congratulations to our 0 to PAC graduates at Heaton parkrun on Saturday 16 March, plenty of rain and puddles (lakes) to navigate!

A big thank you to Louise Warwick for all of her organisation to make this happen and to Amanda, Elizabeth and Liz for their support with training.

One of the graduates Lucy Butler Digital has written a blog about her journey to graduation.

16th March 2019, Heaton Park, parkrun.

Over the past nine weeks, I have been participating in something non-digital. I have been running with Prestwich Athletic Club for their Nought-to-PAC Couch-to-5k.

Starting on January 17th, most definitely at the 'couch' end of things, I went out on my first run since High School P.E (I mean I'm only 21, but 6 years of no running is a long time). The programme increased slightly each week, starting in a walk/run/walk/run fashion, and progressing to run only over the nine weeks. I really struggled each week, either with my shoulder acting up, my knee swelling or being just straight up being too out of shape to run, but I continued to receive support from the run leaders and the other participants on the programme, and even random runners we ran past.

From week to week I'd run between one and three times, usually managing between 3k in 4k in half an hour. But today, March 16th, I did my first parkrun. Wet, muddy, cold, windy, raining, but I did it, I ran my first 5k, in forty-three minutes, with a lot of support from Run Leader Liz (PAC) who was on her 171st parkrun.

Prestwich Athletic Club offered me the chance to finally get up from my laptop and be active. I think without this Couch-to-5k programme, I wouldn't be as active as I am now. Now I am working freelance, I'm trying to schedule in activities such as the gym, a run, a swim or just a walk to get my 10, 000 steps in a day. I don't want to be that freelance friend who just spends eight hours a day in her home office, staring at a laptop screen.

I can't thank Prestwich Athletic Club enough, especially run leaders Louise, Amanda, Liz and other Liz (substitute Liz) enough, the time you've given up for us, the support and encouragement, and all the tips. I might go back to the low impact sport of Crown Green Bowling for a while but I'll keep up the running where I can.

It was great to see Will (BBC Radio Manchester) also this morning, who was broadcasting #ChelseaChasers couch to 5k.

If anyone is thinking about starting to run, a nought-to-5k is a good place to start, it'll build you up slowly and you'll be given a lot of support.



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